Superbrand Volume Calculator
Find your ideal volume for your next Superbrand Surfboard
The below chart simplifies volume and makes it easy to understand
If you’re surfing in warm water and good waves, the lower end of the scale is recommended. If you’re surfing in poor conditions, looking for help in crowds, or wearing thick wetsuits, lean towards the higher end of the range that you fall into.
If a surfer knows his weight, he can scroll up and down the scale to find his recommended volume (keeping in mind skill and fitness). If a surfer knows the volume of his favourite board, or a board that feels too buoyant or not buoyant enough, he can use the chart to guide him/her in a better direction. As anything, this is simply another tool to make things easier when choosing a surfboard. Its not a means to an end, and nothing is set in stone. Ultimately, the surfer needs to use what feels best for them.